Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October Means...

PUMPKINS! It's that time again. Every year, we have several types of seasonal enrichment that are handed out the animals of IEAS who are always anxiously awaiting the new toys. October means it is time for pumpkins! We have already begun to receive pumpkins in our daily produce run from local grocers, and there are several stores in the area that are always happy to donate their leftover pumpkins to the cats (who play with them) and the bears (who eat them). Still, we are always looking for more. For this reason, we are calling on YOU!

Last fall, a number of people generously bought an extra pumpkin or two and brought it to IEAS for the animals. Others waited until just after the holiday season and brought us that pumpkin that made their holiday special! Either way, we were more than happy to accept them and the animals were even happier to receive them as enrichment! 

To find out more about these pumpkins and why they make such good enrichment items, check out our most recent NEWS story, here

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