All it takes is a moment of locking eyes with Ron, a majestic male lion or a content and loving chuff from Simba III, a tiger, to make you realize how magnificent these animals are, and better yet, to show you how lucky you are to be sharing time and space with them. It is often surprising how quickly and easily you can make a connection with an animal resident. Walking through the Sanctuary and seeing these animals, all of whom were rescued by IEAS after being abused, abandoned, neglected, or confiscated from someone unwilling or unable to care for them, brings to light the realities of exotic animal ownership. The resident animals are incredible ambassadors for both their wild cousins and animals who are currently in situations that they once lived in.
The added satisfaction of knowing that your visit has helped to protect and care for the animals you see, ensuring their happiness and majesty, surely makes that decision to finally stop in and see what’s behind those gates worth it! For more information about tours, click here!
We hope to see you soon at IEAS!
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